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James (Jim) McCann

The death has occurred of

James (Jim) McCann

Drumherriff, Cavan / Finglas, Dublin

Long time member of the Irish Bookmaker’s Association.


On 27th September 2023. Peacefully at the Mater Hospital in his 93rd year. After a long illness bravely borne. Pre-deceased by his wife Maura and his sisters Rita and Dympna. Deeply missed by his sisters Mary and Sr. Christina and his brothers Joe, John Pat and Oliver, also by his sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces and by the wonderful carers at Finglas Home Care who will miss him greatly and by the many card playing friends he encountered along the way.


May he Rest in Peace


Reposing in the Kirwan Funeral Home, Ballygall Road West on Saturday (30th September) from 3pm to 5pm, and Sunday from 4pm to 6pm. Removal on Monday morning to St Canice’s Church, Finglas arriving for 10am Requiem Mass followed by funeral to Dardistown Cemetery.

Date Published:

Thursday 28th September 2023

Date of Death:

Sunday 27th August 2023

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