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The death has occurred of Kevin McCarron, 382 Ard Baithin, St Johnston. Lovingly missed by his brothers Christy and wife Mary, Colm (Scotland) all his nieces, nephews and his extended family and friends.
May He Rest In Peace
Kevin's remains will be reposing at his late residence from 7pm this evening Saturday.
In accordance with H.S.E and government guidelines, the wake, funeral and burial are private with maximum of 50 people permitted.
Funeral leaving Ard Baithin, St Johnston on Monday morning going to St Baithin’s Church, St Johnston for 11 o’clock requiem Mass with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
Those wishing to leave condolences for the family may do so in the section below.
Date Published:
Saturday 5th June 2021
Date of Death:
Saturday 5th June 2021