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Louise McDaid

The death has occurred of

Louise McDaid
(née Costello)

10 Beechwood Road, Letterkenny, Donegal

The peaceful death has taken place on Sunday 12 September 2021 at Letterkenny University Hospital of  Louise McDaid née Costello, 10 Beechwood Road, Letterkenny.


Deeply missed by son Stephen and wife Davina, daughter Ashleigh and partner Kieran, their father William, brothers Peter, Scotland, and Ian, England, grandchildren Theo, Terry, Kieran, Rónán, Áron and Cadán, Auntie Madge, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and a wide circle of family, friends and neighbours.


Rest in Peace


Louise’s remains will be reposing at her late residence from 6pm on Monday 13 September 2021.  Family, close friends and neighbours welcome.  Funeral from there on Wednesday 15 September at 10.30am going to St. Eunan’s Cathedral Letterkenny, via Upper Ard O'Donnell, for 11am Requiem Mass which can be viewed live on  Interment afterwards in Conwal Cemetery. 

If you wish to leave a message of condolence for the family, please do so by selecting the ‘Condolences’ option below.

Date Published:

Monday 13th September 2021

Date of Death:

Sunday 12th September 2021

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