O'Flaherty Funeral Directors

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Peter Lydon

The death has occurred of

Peter Lydon

Kingston, Galway

Peter Lydon (Bunker) passed away peacefully at Rushmore Nursing Home, Knocknacarra, Galway. Born and raised in Taylor’s Hill Galway, he was the son of the late Daniel and Kathleen (nee O’Dea) and beloved brother of the late Donie Lydon and the late Jane B. (Lydon) Connolly. Known to many as a charismatic man who truly loved Galway; he will be sadly missed by his nephews John Connolly and Daniel Connolly, his  nieces Kathleen Connolly, Mary O’Brien, Jean Connolly and Diane McCarthy and by their families, relatives and many friends.


Requiem Mass at 12 noon on Thursday, 30th July, at the Church of St. John the Apostle, Knocknacarra. Funeral after Mass to Rahoon Cemetery.

Please visit Knocnacarraparish.ie/news-bulletin for up to date guidance on attending the church for Mass and for public gatherings. The Mass can be viewed live by clicking the” live-stream” facility on the home page of Knocknacarra Parish Church website.

Those who would have liked to attend the funeral but cannot do so are invited to leave a personal message in the condolence section below.  A celebration of Peter’s life will be held at a future date.


May his gentle soul rest in peace

and may he be reunited in heaven to dance eternally

with friends and loved ones.

Date Published:

Wednesday 29th July 2020

Date of Death:

Sunday 26th July 2020

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