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Ruth Ayres

The death has occurred of

Ruth Ayres
(née Watson)

Drogheda, Louth / Dublin / Dublin

Ayres (nee Watson), Cherrywood Drive, Drogheda, Co. Louth and formerly of Carrigwood, Dublin 24. 23rd August 2020. Peacefully at her Home in her 79th year surrounded by her loving family. Ruth, beloved wife of the late Jackie. Sadly missed by her loving family Audrey, Rachel, Natalie and Edmond, sons-in-law Glenn and Chris, grandchildren Shane, Luke, Sophie, Séan, Layla and Liam, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. 


At Rest


In keeping with current Government guidelines regarding public gatherings Ruth’s  Funeral Service will be private for family and close friends only. It will be streamed live at 11 o’clock on Wednesday on from Saint Maelruain’s Parish Church, Tallaght, Dublin. Burial will take place afterwards in the adjoining Church yard.


For those who cannot attend due to these restrictions please leave a personal message for the family in the Condolence section below. 

Date Published:

Monday 24th August 2020

Date of Death:

Sunday 23rd August 2020

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