Ramon Massey & Son Funeral Directors (IAFD) - Walkinstown

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The death has occurred of

(née Shiel)

Phibsboro, Dublin

Meehan (nee Shiel) (Phibsboro and formerly of Cornelscourt) – Sept 6, 2018, (peacefully), after a long illness, at St Mary’s Residential Care Centre, Galway, Sylvia, beloved wife of the late Denis and dear mother of John, Níall, Sarah, Richard and Rosa; Sadly missed by her loving sons, daughters, brother Raymond, sister Rosa, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren Muireann, Patrick, Michael, Gemma, Cormac, Grace and Denis, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.


Reposing on Friday from 4.00pm to 6.00pm at her daughter Sarah’s home in Galway and on Sunday from 2.00pm to 8.00pm at her home in Phibsboro. Removal on Monday to Mount Jerome Crematorium Chapel arriving for 10.00am Service. Funeral immediately afterwards to Deansgrange Cemetery. Family flowers only please. Donations, if desired, to The Rape Crisis Centre. Enquiries to Ramon Massey & Son Funeral Directors Walkinstown Road / Tallaght Village Ph: 01 4555121.


“May She Rest In Peace”

Date Published:

Friday 7th September 2018

Date of Death:

Thursday 6th September 2018

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