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Tom Larkin

The death has occurred of

Tom Larkin

Kilsheelan, Tipperary

Peacefully, in the wonderful care of the staff at Willowbrook Lodge Nursing Home. Tom, beloved husband of the late Joan, sadly missed by his loving family, sons Eugene and Eric, daughters-in-law Gabrielle and Orla, grandchildren Jennifer, Ronan, Jack and Malaidh, brother Liam, sister-in-law Mary, nieces, nephews, extended family and his many friends.


Rest In Peace

Due to Government advice regarding public gatherings, a private family funeral Mass will take place in Gambonsfield Church, Kilsheelan, this Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery. We suggest using the online condolence page below as an option to offer your sympathies to the family. Those who cannot attend can take part in the ceremony via the SS Peter & Paul's church Livestream service; followed by clicking Clonmel

Thank you for your undrestanding and co-operation at this time

Ar Dheis De go Raibh a anam Dilis

Date Published:

Sunday 5th April 2020

Date of Death:

Sunday 5th April 2020

A. Fennessy & Son Funeral Directors (IAFD)

IAFD Member
1-2 Kickham St.
rip.ieafennessyclonmel@gmail.com052-6121765Mob: 086-2582875
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