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172 Ivy Exchange, Granby Place, Parnell Square, Dublin 1, D01 V125

Our work is rooted in communities, to end gender-based violence and provide training in skills where needed. In particular, we work with women to empower them to take the lead. They decide their priorities, and we support them as they engage with the rest of their community and the wider power structures in society, to bring about change for the better that benefits the whole community.
ActionAid has a Child Sponsorship programme, where people can provide direct long-term support to a community. Child sponsors support local people to claim their rights and they can see the long-term impact that their support creates. ActionAid Ireland also has a Women Rights Programme, funded by Irish Aid, that is implemented in communities in three countries, Ethiopia, Kenya and Nepal.
ActionAid campaigns for meaningful long-term change, side by side with those living in exclusion. Combined with our rooted, long-term work at a community level, this is incredibly important for women and children around the world to realise their rights.
By leaving a legacy, you will make a positive difference to women and children living in poverty and exclusion. Your gift could have a long-lasting impact on the lives of many women and children around the world.
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