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Brain Tumour Ireland
Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick St., Dublin 7

Our logo is that of an almond blossom, which was Ronnie’s favourite flower.
As a national organisation, Brain Tumour Ireland aims to provide information and support for brain tumour patients and their families as well as advocating for Ireland to be a world leader in brain tumour research, diagnosis, treatment and care.
Donate to Brain Tumour Ireland:
To all who donate, Brain Tumour Ireland would like to send a huge thank you. All donations and support enables us to extend our support services and to support research into brain tumours (such as the Brain Tumour Biobank in Ireland).
Please check for further information on the work we do, and to follow our upcoming fundraising and support events or alternatively, email us at for any information.
You make the work we do on behalf of the brain tumour community possible - please do reach out to us with any questions, we are here to help.
There are 3 ways to help:
Contact Details