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Breakthrough Cancer Research

Glenlee, Western Road, Cork City, Co. Cork

Breakthrough Cancer Research is an Irish medical research charity focused on poor prognosis cancers. We bring together scientists and surgeons, doctors and nurses to develop new treatments for the most difficult to cure cancers. Together we work save lives.

Cancer can be a devastating disease and if you have experienced losing someone to this illness please accept our sincerest condolences.  We are humbled that you are considering a donation to our research and pledge to use any gift to ensure future generations do not have to fear this disease.


How We Deliver for Patients:


We transfer research breakthroughs into clinical reality for the patient. Our funded researchers have already developed and pioneered six new treatments for cancer patients who did not respond to conventional therapies.


Monies raised:

  • Fund world-class cancer research into poor prognosis cancer, which are poorly served by current treatment options.
  • Facilitate collaboration between scientists and clinicians across Ireland and Internationally.
  • Help translate lab discoveries into new effective treatments for cancer patients today, tomorrow and into the future.

Our goal is to ensure that all cancer patients have the opportunity to access the most up-to-date and effective treatment for their disease.  Consultant physicians and surgeons collaborate with us across Ireland and do so at no cost to our charity; giving their time to our research voluntarily with the aim of improving the care and treatment of Irish patients.


Hope is our gift and together we can give it.

Make a donation

Leave a gift in your will


Lastly, thank you. By giving to Breakthrough Cancer Research you will be helping us make lifesaving breakthroughs in the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer.  The more money we raise the more new treatments we can develop.

Contact Details


Glenlee, Western Road, Cork City, Co. Cork