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Cork ARC Cancer Support House

Cork ARC Cancer Support House CLG is a registered charity (RCN 20206673) offering support services to those with a cancer diagnosis and their loved ones, FREE of charge.

We offer one to one and online supports, counselling and touch therapies, support groups and exercise classes, information workshops and much much more. We rely heavily on donations and fundraising efforts to ensure we can continue to provide our services for free when needed most in our two houses, and are very grateful for all support given to us. 


Please contact us on 021 4276688 – email: for our Cork City House, or 027 53891 - email; for our Bantry House 


Our Services

How you can help

Services provided by Cork ARC Cancer Support House are made possible only through the support and generosity of you, the public.

Find out more about fundraising for Cork ARC or make a direct donation.
