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Friends of the Elderly Ireland

25 Bolton Street, Dublin 1

Friends of the Elderly is a volunteer based Irish charity.

We were established in 1980 to help alleviate loneliness and isolation through our network of volunteers.


Our Aims


Alleviate loneliness amongst isolated older people through friendship.

Promote respect for each person’s dignity.

Liaise with statutory agencies and voluntary groups in an effort to improve the quality of life of those referred to Friends of the Elderly.

Foster independence and help older people to live at home for as long as possible.

Improve the services provided for older people by highlighting the difficulties they face.

Increase the important contribution elderly people have to offer.


Our Services

Home visitation


A visit from our volunteer can transform the day for an older person who is alone and isolated and may be housebound or in nursing care.  Bringing friendship directly into our member’s life.

Social clubs

We provide weekly social clubs for our members.  It is an opportunity to get together, sing, dance to our live band and make new friends.

Day Trips

Our day trips are the highlight of the year for our members, as it is an opportunity to see a different part of the county and experience a day in the company of friends.

Schools Programme

Our Transition Year and Gaisce programme have been completed by so many students over the years.  Every one of those students have enriched the lives of an older person and received a certificate of merit.

Friendly Call Telephone Service

This is a nationwide call services. A group of dedicated volunteers telephone our members at least once a week, to check in on them, to chat, listen and sometimes to say Happy Birthday.  This is a lifeline to so many.

Birthday Programme   

Every birthday at Friends of the Elderly is celebrated.  Each member receives a card and telephone call on their day and those who attend our services receives a birthday gift. 


Our members still enjoy to travel, but find it difficult when they are alone.  Our group holidays provide holiday breaks filled with laughter and fun.

Leaving a Legacy Gift or Bequest

Leaving a legacy to Friends of the Elderly in your will is an amazing way for your generosity to last beyond your own lifetime.

We rely heavily on legacies, especially since they enable us to plan long term funding for our programmes.


Many of these projects result in improved lives, for our older friends and ensures that we can keep our promise of providing a lifetime of friendship to our members.

Contact Details


25 Bolton Street, Dublin 1