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Humanist Association of Ireland
34B Royal Terrace West, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin

We advocate for the equal treatment of people of no religion by the State and we provide a forum for people to meet, share experiences and develop their humanist ideals in an informal, friendly, and inclusive environment.
We provide support and representation to people who seek to live full, responsible lives without religion. See the What We Do page for more details on our aims and activities.
Make a one-time donation
Set up a one-time donation and support lasting change for a better society.
Leave a legacy
Make your voice heard when you’ve gone with a legacy in your will that will help make Ireland a better, more equal and tolerant place for our children and our children’s children. Whether you can leave €50 or €5,000, by remembering the Humanist Association of Ireland, you will be helping us to achieve our shared vision of a safe, kind, secular Ireland. For more information, please contact our administrator at 086 0887744 or
In memory
Even at the saddest of times, sometimes, families choose to ask for donations to the Humanist Association of Ireland in lieu of flowers. This is always a lovely thought and the support is always gratefully received.
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