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Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind

National Headquarters & Training Centre, Model Farm Road, Cork T12 WT4A

Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is Ireland’s national charity dedicated to helping people who are vision impaired and families of children with autism to achieve improved mobility and independence.

We receive over 85% of our income through voluntary donations and fundraising - with one in three Guide or Assistance Dogs being trained as a result of the generosity of people leaving a gift in their will.


It costs over €5 million to run our organisation each year.


How You Can Help


We are an organisation built on a community of supporters that makes our work possible.


Whether it’s a small donation or a fundraising drive, or even raising one of our puppies, there are many ways to support what we do and bring independence, mobility and hope to the people who need it most.


Puppy Raising

Temporary Boarding 

Fundraising Volunteers 


Breeding Dog Volunteer 

Corporate Partnerships 

Gifts in Will 

Sponsor a Pup 

Make a Donation in Memory 


Contact Details


National Headquarters & Training Centre, Model Farm Road, Cork T12 WT4A