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ISPCA Head Office, National Animal Centre, Derryglogher, Keenagh, Co. Longford

You can leave the world a better place. Legacies are vital to the existence of the ISPCA, and without the help of the kind benefactors that have remembered the ISPCA in their will, we would be unable to sustain our welfare operations and our rescues centres; both of which help many abused and neglected animals.

Providing for the future of your family will be an important part of your will, but if you are then in a position to leave a gift, we hope you will consider the ISPCA’s work in helping cruelly treated, neglected and abused animals.  Your gift will truly make a difference to an animal that is suffering.

To find out more about remembering the ISPCA in your will, please download our leaflet here or alternatively call Rebecca on 043 33 25035 or email  in the strictest of confidence.

Sincere thanks, thoughts and prayers to all that have remembered the ISPCA.


Visit the ISPCA Memory Garden honouring those who

have remembered animals in their Will.

The ISPCA’s beautiful Memory Garden is integrated into the tranquil woodland area at our National Animal Centre in Longford.

It is our small way of expressing gratitude to all those who have given animals a better life in their passing.  The woodland garden is in honour of the people who have supported the ISPCA.

It serves as a place of peace and reflection providing a space for family and friends to visit and remember their loved ones. 

The Memory Garden is a place of remembrance, peace and calm.

The original art and craftwork enhance the natural environment, and invites and welcomes visitors to enjoy the beautiful surroundings. We hope it is enjoyed by many for years to come.

For more information about our work please visit our website  or watch our legacy video here.




Contact Details


ISPCA Head Office, National Animal Centre, Derryglogher, Keenagh, Co. Longford
(043) 33 25035 (ext 5)
<b>National Animal Cruelty Helpline<br/> <center> 1890 515 515</b></center>