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Kerry Hospice Foundation
Suiamhneas Centre, University Hospital Kerry, Tralee, Co. Kerry

The voluntary part of our organisation is very important to us, as well as a source of great pride. No member of KHF is paid for any of their work, time, effort or any costs incurred while helping the charity.
The Foundation exists only to deliver on services delivered in Kerry. All money raised in the county is spent locally.
The Kerry Specialist Palliative Care Service (KSPCS) provided is currently a single consultant led 24/7 on-call service which has proven of immense value to the hospital and community in improving palliative care services. The service is currently provided in the following settings:
You might like to make a donation to KHF in your will. Some families and friends chose to donate money to KHF instead of flowers for their loved ones that have deceased.
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