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Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust


The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust aims to alleviate the financial hardship of bereaved families repatriating the body (bodies) of loved one(s) who have died abroad in sudden or tragic circumstances back to Ireland.

Other objectives of the trust are to maintain the it as a permanent legacy of Kevin Bell, to sustain the trust by having on-going fundraising activities and to recruit members of the Trust to sustain its purpose and ideals.


Conditions of the Trust Awarding Financial Assistance:


The trust is available for costs of repatriation to Ireland only.
Financial assistance to be offered in circumstances of sudden or tragic death (including suicide).
Financial assistance to be paid upon confirmation of paid expenditure.
Financial assistance to be paid for repatriation costs exclusively.
The trust to operate on a 32 county basis.
The trust to have a discretionary clause to cover unforeseen circumstances where it may wish to provide additional financial assistance.
The trust would grant assistance in good faith. A 'claw-back' option applies in the event of the applicant raising sufficient funds themselves to return the money back to the Trust.


Donations / Fundraising

BT’s MyDonate is our preferred donation / fundraising  platform as it does not charge commission or administration fees.

This means that we can maximise the
impact of your donation.

If you would prefer to donate / fundraise in Euros
please feel free to use our page on iDonate.

For alternative donation and fufndraising methods, click here.

In loving memory of

Kevin Bell

1986 - 2013.


Contact Details