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Leopardstown Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 D18R620

LauraLynn's mission is to provide a Community of Care that delivers evidence-based, personalised services to children with palliative care needs, complex care needs and complex disabilities, while also providing family support services and a home to our residents where quality-of-life is paramount.

Gift in Will

Making your Will is one of the most personal and inspiring decisions you will ever make. It’s a reflection of your life and values; the people that matter to you and what you want to live on for future generations. 


Remembering LauraLynn with a gift of any size is a wonderful way for you to care for children with short and precious lives beyond your lifetime. Making a will and keeping it up to date is very important – it puts you in control and is the only way to ensure your loved ones and the causes you care about receive the gifts you would like them to receive.


In Memory Giving

At a time of such sadness it is often comforting to do something positive in remembrance of your loved one. It can be a way of bringing together family, friends and colleagues to remember, pay tribute and celebrate their precious memories. 


Contact our Legacy and In Memory Fundraising Manager, Brian, on 083 331 8863 or E: 

Contact Details


Leopardstown Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 D18R620