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MADRA - Mutts Anonymous Dog Rescue & Adoption

Camus, Connemara, Co. Galway, H91 AK38

MADRA rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes unwanted, neglected, abused and abandoned dogs.We are dedicated to looking after the dogs in our care and finding them permanent, loving homes. Ultimately we want to help create a world where MADRA, and rescues like us, are no longer needed and so we make it our mission to educate, influence, advocate and support.


Simply make a donation today for as little as €5 and that will mean the world to us.

We benefit even more from supporters who set up a regular donation. This gives us financial reassurance to help sustain the work of caring for MADRA dogs.

Some supporters have gone one step further and have planned the gift of a legacy in their will.

 This option can be as little or large as you like.  Legacies left to MADRA are completely tax free and will reduce the inheritance tax liability on your estate.



Contact Details


Camus, Connemara, Co. Galway, H91 AK38