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Marie Keating Foundation

Unit 9, Millbank Business Park, Lucan, Co. Dublin

The Marie Keating Foundation is a leading voice in cancer awareness and information for both men and women in Ireland. Following their mother Marie’s death from breast cancer in 1998, the Keating family promised to try to provide all women and their families with vital information which could help them to prevent cancer or detect it at its earliest stages. Their collective aim is “making cancer less frightening by enlightening.”

 The Marie Keating Foundation provides information on all the key cancers, including breast cancer, cervical cancer, throat cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer and bowel cancer.


The Foundation does not receive any Government funding and all of our services are provided free of charge. Without the support of our wonderful fundraisers, volunteers and corporate supporters across Ireland, we simply could not continue to provide these vital services and make one family’s promise of making cancer less frightening by enlightening a reality.


The funds we receive allow us to provide the following services:




Your donation will help us reach more people with the life-saving message about cancer prevention and awareness.

Remember a loved one in a positive and lasting way and help to prevent other people dying from cancer by leaving a tribute in their name with the Marie Keating Foundation.

Tributes contribute to our life-saving awareness work, which lead to earlier diagnosis and improved survival rates.


Contact Details


Unit 9, Millbank Business Park, Lucan, Co. Dublin