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MS Ireland

80 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4, D04 T856, Dublin 4

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland (MS Ireland) is the only National Organisation providing information, support and advocacy services to the MS community.

We work with people with multiple Sclerosis (PwMS), their family members, carers and a range of key stakeholders including health care professionals, students and anyone with an interest in MS.


We provide a wide range of specialised services and resources on a national, regional and local level. Services include; Regional Community Worker programmes for one-to-one support; physiotherapy; symptom management courses; newly diagnosed sessions and the MS Information Line, one of the first services used in the time leading up to or following a diagnosis.


We also provide the only national respite and therapy centre for people with MS in Ireland.


Ways To Give


Contact Details


80 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4, D04 T856, Dublin 4