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Women's Aid

Women’s Aid is a national, feminist organisation working to prevent and address the impact of domestic violence and abuse.

We do this by advocating, influencing, training, and campaigning for effective responses to reduce the scale and impacts of domestic abuse on women and children in Ireland and by providing high quality, specialised, integrated, support services. (More information on our services here)


With 1 in 4 women subjected to the crime of domestic abuse, the sad truth is that this will almost certainly impact someone in your life.


Our vision is an equal Ireland, with zero tolerance of domestic abuse and all other forms of violence against women. We need your help to achieve this.

Please accept our deepest condolences if you have recently lost a loved one and thank you so much for considering supporting us during this difficult time.

Leaving a Gift in Your Will

This is a critical moment in time. There’s a crisis of domestic violence in Ireland and rising numbers of women and children are in need of help. But there’s also a historic opportunity to tackle the problem with energy and purpose and make a once-in-a-generation positive impact. You can do this by considering leaving a gift in your will to Women’s Aid.


Once you have taken care of friends and family in your Will, a gift to Women’s Aid is a powerful personal act that will transform the future for our daughters and granddaughters. It will help us move sooner to an Ireland where domestic violence is no longer an epidemic of our present, but instead, a shameful past.

To find out more about leaving a powerful and inspiring gift in your will to Women’s Aid, you can request your legacy brochure today by emailing Cora at or calling 01 678 8858.

Other Ways to Support Women’s Aid 

There are a number of other ways that you can support women and children subjected to domestic abuse:


Make a Donation

Become a Regular Giver


Get Your Company Involved

Thank you so much for your interest in Women’s Aid. For more information on our work and how you can help, visit

Contact Details

01 6788858
National Freephone Helpline: 1800 341 900