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Publish a death notice for a funeral abroad

Where the death of a loved one occurs abroad and no Irish-based funeral director is involved in the arrangements, we at can publish the notice for you on 


For this, we must receive proof that the death has occurred, before the death notice may be published. Proof can be any one of the following: 

  • a copy of the death certificate
  • a copy of the cremation certificate
  • a link to the notice on the funeral director’s website
  • an email from funeral director abroad confirming that they are looking after the arrangements. 

There is an admin. fee of €100 (incl. VAT) for death notices for funerals which are not being undertaken by funeral directors based in Ireland. 


To go ahead with the publication of the death notice on 

  1. Send proof, with the wording for the notice & photo, to
  2. Once verified by us, we’ll send you an invoice which can be paid online
  3. On receipt of payment, the notice is published & a link to it sent to you.

Important: All notices on must be associated with a county in Ireland.

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